Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day One: Organic and Pistachios

Well I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Nick I'm a sophomore in college and I am trying to complete a dual degree program in Biology and INDS (Interdisciplinary Studies). Things have been busy recently with my clubs Rowing/Crew, Fencing, Bio-Ethics and the Senate minutes. Ashley (not her real name) my girlfriend has a hard time accepting the amount of work I do so hopefully that will get better. Anyway today was mostly studying reading about Amines and Ayervedic medicine for Orgo II and Cultural Anthropology. I also started reading for my INDS class Ways of Knowing about human trafficking.

I also took a few breaks playing COD MW2 and just dance with some friends which hopefully will let me be productive for the rest of the night.

The title came from my wondering of where my pistachios came from, which apparently is California.

Anyway hopefully I haven't bored you too much and I'll get into all the interesting things about my life next time... (that should take a whole 2 min.)

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