Monday, September 26, 2011

My Innistrad Prerelease

Hey Guys,
So I went to an Innistrad pre-release and the results were pretty epic so I figured I'd write up the story here. I might also post my sealed pool if I feel like it. I ran blue/white humans with a couple equipments and enchantments. So at the game store by my college Xandu games there was a 6 round swiss tournament sealed. You had to have 4 wins to get into the prizes at the event, and it took us over 5 hours to complete.
My first match was a mirror match and I lost by only the slightest margin in 3 games. Match 2 I can barely remember, but it was against red/white and because most of my removal was for non-humans it was ineffective I lost this match 0-2. So staring at an 0-2 record and needing 4 straight wins to bring it back I steeled myself for a treacherous battle against numerous opponents. After a pleasant battle against a very nice woman, and a fairly quick battle against an opponent who's deck didn't do much of anything I found myself at 2-2 halfway there. My next match was against a werewolf deck that packed a lot of equipment like cobbled wings and used it to make the big guys flyers. This opponent won game one handily but I managed to steal game two by forcing his werewolf to transform and then using my priest to repeatedly tap it until I managed to take him out. After the second game we stood at 1-1 with 3 minutes left in the round. We shuffle and start quickly I start with a turn one silver inlaid dagger. Then he passes turn one I drop a second turn Invisible stalker. He makes some other play then I play spectral flight on my stalker giving it +2/+2 and bash for 3 putting him to 17 and pass the turn. On his turn time is called. My next turn is turn 1 and I equip the silver inlaid dagger making my stalker a 6/3 flying unblockable hexproof creature and swing for 6 putting him to 11 he plays turn 2 on turn 3 the excitement builds as I swing dropping him to only 5 life forcing him to find an answer or lose. Then The next turn I swing for lethal on the last turn of the match winning my third straight to play one more to reach the prizes. My last game was against a ridiculous deck that crushed me almost instantly but had dropped two matches early because it was in two different colors. All in all I had a blast scraped through with some great draw and careful play and then fell short right as I saw the finish line.

With all the excitement I can hardly wait to start drafting Innistrad.

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