Friday, April 30, 2010

Last Practice and a Long Friday

Hey Guys,
Sorry I didn't get around to posting yesterday but i was swamped with work. I'm trying to finish a book for anth, do a table of reagents for lab write an 8 page paper on the culture of music and a two page analysis on human trafficking. Needless to say I was up late in to the night but I really wish I could have posted.

Anyway practice yesterday was tons of fun we did 5 and glides and other fun drills on the water and the guys rowed excellently at our last practice. Then I later when I went to my INDS class guess what my teacher brings up again... that's right my denied proposal I mean I understand it was relevant but it's not something I really want everyone to be reminded about every class. I also had a stat quiz on Wilcox Sign-Rank Test and Chi Squared which was really easy.

Today was going pretty well and at noon I was reelected treasurer of our crew team, and I was shocked as I was running unopposed. Then I had to go to lab. This lab seemed short just acid catalysis of a blocking group, but the way the procedure was set up it took more than 3 hours to complete and most of the time was spent just starring at a white compound in a liquid. Also our TA decided not to show up so for the first 10 min of class we just stood outside of the classroom waiting to go in, and eventually we had a cycle of random people who knew nothing about the lab acting as instructors.

One of my best friends is in lab with me and forgot to complete the table of reagents last night, and he asked me if he could copy mine while we were in the hallway, but because I was afraid of the teacher appearing at any minute I said no. I figured he could copy them in lab much more subtly and most of the data was already available earlier in our lab notebooks. Unfortunately now he's upset with me because I didn't let him use my lab notebook.

Now I'm free until the regatta on sunday so me and Ashley are going to get dinner and possibly go on a walk or something...

Interesting Facts:
The farthest south piece of land not including Antarctica is in South America.
Magnetic North is actually not the same as true north ( I believe they differ by like 23 degrees).
The whale shark is the largest living species of fish. (Whales are mammals)
The horn of a Narwal is made of a type of hair.

Anyway have a great weekend I'll keep you posted,


  1. a question on today physics exam: the Earth's geographical north pole is magnetic north or south pole? Explain

  2. The earth's axis is tilted as you probably know, and the true north pole is defined as the northern point where this axis intersects the surface of the earth. Magnetic north is however related to the spinning or iron in the earth's core. Apparently the value of the difference is quite variable depending on where you are, but there are regions where they are the same.

    But in the case of your physics question it was probably assuming the core was perfectly homogenous and the world was ideal this would mean electrons are moving around a central axis and the "current" of electrons would be forming circular closed loops perpendicular to the axis. This current would generate a magnetic field and according to the right hand rule this would make the magnetic field go out the top of the earth around and into the south pole.

    To help visualize it the earth rotates counter-clockwise when view from the true north pole pick a point rotate it a full circle counter-clockwise. Imagining the loop is a wire your thumb points along it in the direction you drew the circle your pointer finger points to the center of the circle and your middle finger curls to show magnetic lines coming up from the "center" of the axis or the north pole.

    Oh and 23 degrees is apparently the magnetic declination (variance from expected) at my high school where i learned they were different.

    Hope that helps,

    PS: Sorry if i seem condescending I just don't know how much you know.

  3. You would run out of space to write that answer on the exam ---

  4. Yeah, but I wanted to make sure you understood and a lot of it was background or explanation.
