So apparently my school doesn't have enough vegan options, and people are complaining. I don't know how i feel about that because I understand their dilemma but also with such a small portion of students being vegan it doesn't necessarily make sense economically for places to have these options available. So vegan or not I don't particularly care because I'd rather be thankful I have food then really picky about what it is. But that's just me and if you want to use your stomach as a voice then feel free Ghandi did and he was fairly successful.
I also had an idea for a board game today while I was in the shower. The concept would be set up with multiple characters that each have different requirements to win. In the game you would have people like large oil corporations, children in poverty, public officials, factory workers in foreign countries etc. The way they would win could vary from not dying to making X dollars or having a certain approval rating. The idea is that the decisions of some people would effect everyone else and although it would be possible for everyone to win if they work together players in more powerful positions if greedy or ignorant could force other people to lose and if things go poorly everyone could lose. It's just an idea but I'm hoping to develop it further I was thinking it could be called something like truth and used in schools to teach morals, ethics, globalization, and social justice etc.
I also finally left campus to shop, which is probably the first time in well over a month. Oh and Ashley made angel food cake and gave me a piece which was delicious and is one of my favorite cakes.
Anyway I have to start writing a paper for my INDS class so I'll catch you guys tomorrow feel free to leave a comment and I'll get to it when I can.
Interesting Facts:
There was an idea for tidal power to use the changing water levels to move turbines but it would require sectioning of large bodies of water and wouldn't produce enough energy to be "worth it".
There is apparently lard in the tortillas at Salsaritas.
The first a in any number encountered when counting upward is in one thousand.
-1 has exactly 2 factors 1 and itself (I don't think it's considered prime but any input would be appreciated)
btw I really like your board game idea. I was thinking about it today.
ReplyDeleteThanks I'll let you know when it's in development. Also my roommate Chris might be doing the artwork if I ever finish it.