So apparently today is Star Wars Day, because it's may the fourth and it sounds similar to may the force be with you. So I guess I can't say I haven't learned anything in college.
Before I get into the rest of the things I am going to talk about today I also have recently discovered the 36 officers problem. At first I didn't understand how it could be impossible but when you look at the 2x2 problem it becomes clear. The problem is conventionally arrange 36 officers with each of one rank and house in a 6x6 grid. It can also be thought of arranging the number letter combinations A1, A2, A3....F6 in a 6x6 grid.
So now my opinion on video games as a fairly avid gamer I am in support of video games, but I understand they are not all created equal. Most educational video games are horrible and not fun, but after raiding in wow it's easy to see how you can learn the importance of teamwork and leadership. I've also learned other facts through my gaming experience like how to make bronze and steel. A recent release Portal 2 also shows other benefits like problem solving skills and complex thinking. Anyway I think video games are a positive, but I do believe violent video games can have adverse effects when the people playing them are too young.
So onto Right and Wrong. My ideas about what is right and wrong are based on individuals beliefs and values as well as the context in which it occurs. My personal rules may break down in some extreme cases but are very helpful in day to day life. The basic premise is that something is wrong if you feel bad for doing it or if you believe it is wrong. This would mean that someone who was raised in a society that embraces discrimination it is not wrong for them to uphold these beliefs because it is how they were raised. This doesn't mean that the discrimination in it's self is acceptable just that we cannot fault the individual for their beliefs.
This can also be extended to other people for example I would be upset if someone stole my car, and I would think it was wrong. Because of this it would be wrong for me to steal another person's car because I believe it was wrong. This does leave room for more specific cases to use the classic example stealing bread to feed your family because I would steal to feed my starving family I cannot fault individuals who do the same thing. While this only applies to individuals and individual cases and it isn't a perfect system it helps me evaluate whether things are right or wrong and can show me when I am being unfair.
Kangaroo's can't hop backwards.
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