Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Bright Future

So I'm hoping to figure out how to split my blog into tabs so I can diversify my posts. It would probably be something like; Original, INDS/Healthcare, Pokemon, Reviews. This way I can separate all my content and expand on this single page concept. I also think it will give my blog a more diverse appeal and allow me to include a broader range of content. However, I don't know if I can have one blog split into 4 pieces and I don't really want to have 4 blogs even if I can connect them all through my profile. I might check with Richard to see how i can do it but I don't know.

This does reveal my plan to start doing reviews of things I encounter in regular life, but I think I'll wait until I split my blog into new pages. Also good news after today I will have exactly one week of classes left and I am ready for the summer and my awesome next semester to begin.

Anyway I'm posting this before my first class so it's fairly short, but I will likely get back on later in the day and try to adjust the formatting to a new layout.

You slough off about 40lbs. of dead skin cells in your life time; this weighs about the same as a small child.

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