Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So I had what I was going to write about all planned out and I even had a decent title picked, but then I realized something and I had to change topics. One of my very close childhood friends who is essentially my brother posted on my Facebook wall about how I was his big brother and it meant a lot. I completely agree with him there he has been like my brother and he's a great guy. Even though I could spend this whole post talking about James and how great he is and all the things we did in childhood that's not what I'm going to do. I want to talk about friendship and impact.

Most days I feel like what I assume everyone else feels like one of many people who are all slightly different and not overly noteworthy. There are some lessons you have to learn multiple times I guess but my friend's post made me realize that I do have impacts on the people around me just as much as I know people impact me. It's surprising that I can forget how important one person can be knowing the many times in my life one of my remarkable friends has come from no where when I need them most.

Friendship isn't something I think I can define anymore because I always thought you had to work to keep relationships going and try and hang out with friends, but I've been noticing recently that you have many more friends than the people you eat lunch with and there are a lot of people who will help you if you let them.

When counting my blessings I count my friends twice.

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