As you may or may not know I took the MCATs on April 9th and the scores were released today. I was pretty much hoping for anything above a 30, but my combined score was 34M and I am ecstatic. My happiness was bittersweet however because a very close friend who helped me a lot in college and with my MCATs didn't do as well as they hoped and will have to retake the test.
Other good news includes that on my last exam and all of my exams in Psych 331 I have gotten at least 100%, and I only lost a single point on my correlation project. This means I have to score above about 20% on an open note open book exam in a class where I may have missed 10 total points in the class so my A is all but guaranteed.
The third thing that happened is that in my Psych class a person came and mentioned a research opportunity over the summer with the possibility of becoming a paid internship over the next semester. This would be for 3 weeks and would be great because I have been wondering what I should do for the summer for a long time and it was becoming a serious concern.
Anyway my computer was freaking out and I have to edit a final paper add citations and do my personal reflection so I will talk to you later but I was having such a great day I figured I'd let you know.
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